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Parts Cleaning Plants

Cleaning Agent Recycling Plants

Powder Coating Plants

Recycling System for waterbased parts cleaning plants

> The NWO solution
      A recycling system for parts cleaning

Since our water-based cleaning agents do not exhaust themselves during the cleaning process ECOMAR has put all efforts in developing a cleaning system with recycling features. By combining marketable components a facility was developed which offers the possibility to be operated by smaller companies also, as no special technical provisions are needed.

> Re-use of water based cleaning agent

By employing the recycling facility provided and thereby creating the possibility to re-use the water based cleaning agents environmental relief shows in multiple respects* solvents from the former cleaning proces

* water from the new cleaning process
* cleansing agent from the new cleaning process

The system which is also available with an integrated iron phosphating was originally designed for use in electrostatic powder coating plants. The surface cleanness requirements in this coating process are of a very high standard. This is mentioned to hint the system’s quality.


> The technical background

Our procedure is not a new development in the sense of fundamental research. The ‘secret’ lies in the combination of a cleaning agent meeting the quality requirements of the consecutive operating phases with an UF-membrane which does not separate the cleaning agent as ‘dirt’.



Referring to recent market and technical studies other plants on offer are not able to completely recover the cleaning agents for re-use.

Additionally, lacking failure tolerance withholds the application in small and medium sized companies as they do neither employ the experts required for operation of sophisticated facilities nor are they in a position to cover the expenses for the necessary technical requirements. A simple example shall serve for a better understanding:

An article about powder coating in car factories stated that the following conditions for the operation of a powder spray cabin would be necessary

* Temperature: 20-23°C
* rel. humidity: 60±5

These conditions require an airconditioned workshop which a small sized company cannot afford.

Talking of ‘development’ means in the case of NWO recycling plants combining presently available procedures in a new way. This avoids technical risks. The possibility of utilizing this new procedure in medium sized companies with a small investment budget and without a staff of specialists was what we aimed at.

> The NWO recycling facility pays after three years at the latest

The following table shows quantities in relation to various waste materials taking into account a 4-hours daily operation time of the cleaning facility:

Kind of agent resp.




Water [Liters/annum]


ap. 140.000

- 960.000

cleansing agent: [l/a]

approx. 11.000

ap. 1.400

- 9.600

It is easy to calculate the yield (German cost conditions) from these figures:


Investment for the recycling facility

US-$ 140,000


Savings according to the above table:



960 m3/a x $/m3 2.50 =

US-$ 2,400


Cleansing agent
9600 l/a x $/l 9.50 =

US-$ 91,200





Total savings/a:

US-$ 93,600

This calculation shows that the cleaning and recycling facility in this case (daily operation time = 4 hours) has a pay-back period of less than 2 years.

We trust therefore that we have reached our target to make environmental care in the parts and components cleaning process economical, and we would like to emphazise that the suitability for medium and small sized business was of highest priority to us.

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