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Kranz Consult GmbH

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Tyre repair workshops


Selection of Standard Miniplants


In addition to the newest development in the sector of beverage and food production called MINIPLANTS and designed by ® ( to cover the needs of single villages, small towns or rural communities processing not more than 500 to 5,000 kgs of raw material per day, we offer tyre repair shops.

The design is also based on the turn-key system, the patented container module system for complete plants.

ECOMAR MINIPLANTS are installed in containers as well, including all machinery, piping, electrical installations.

After the test run in Germany the complete machinery and the building will be shipped using the containers as transport housings.

Start of production will be approx. five days after unloading of the containers at site.


For details please contact

is a registered trade mark of Schaedlich & Co Engineering

Selection of standard MINIPLANTS