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Kranz Consult GmbH

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To gain the most from a well-designed factory, it is essential that the operating systems are equally well designed. Having a thorough working knowledge from good established practice, ECOMAR KRANZ CONSULT avoids the adoption of ready made software from other situations.

The size of the factory, its product mix, production methods and educational background may all have to be taken into consideration in providing the software package.




relate to all aspects of industrial engineering concerning industrial installations and infra-structure, mainly for
- steel construction
- piping
- mechanical industry
- woodworking industry
- corrosion protection
- reinforced plastic




economic consulting in
- management information systems
- organisational planning
- organisation

  (structure and operation)
- manpower planning
- work and time studies
- rational planning and distribution of

  work (ergonomics)
- profitability calculations

technical consulting:
- determination of locations
- layout planning
- production scheduling and

- production engineering
- material flow studies
- quality control
- storage and transport planning

- rationalisation of production
- maintenance planning

 (conventional and computer-controlled)


Design Criteria


ECOMAR KRANZ CONSULT  is particularly engaged in conceiving new designs of production equipment, material handling and software, as well as manpower and training development. Whereever possible and useful, advanced methods of on-line control systems and automated production facilities will be applied.

However, where severe financial constraints are critical to the project, ECOMAR KRANZ CONSULT is particularly interested in preparing new, low-cost solutions to enable basic facilities to be established quickly and at low capital cost. This may as well be achieved by reconstruction or rationalisation of existing facilities.

 Please contact for more information.